Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome Baby Dexter

On Friday, July 22 2011- we left our home at 5:30am...

Maddie woke up early on her own to tell us goodbye! We arrived at the hospital and got checked in. Once the baby monitor was strapped on, I could tell by our nurses facial expressions something was wrong, so I asked. She said the baby's heart rate was low, like in the 80s. It had be the 140s-150s my entire pregnancy. So she had me lay on my side and it slowly increased back to normal. They started the pitocin and broke my water. A couple of hours went by and we realized everytime I got up to use the bathroom the baby's heart rate would drop. So, our nurse wanted to check me to see if I had dialated any further and again her facial expressions could not conceal her concern. I asked her again what was wrong and she said she thought the umbilical chord was wrapped around the baby's neck, but she was going to get another nurses opinion. So the other nurse came in and confirmed it, and they rushed to call my doctor. Dr. Lentel came rushing over and checked me and too confirmed it was the chord. At this point- they decided to go ahead and do a spinal block while we determined what to do. Dr. Lentel thought she might be able to get the baby turned enough to get the chord somewhat unwrapped and he could slip on down and be delivered normally. However, once she started to mess with him, his heart rate dropped. Thus- they rushed me for an emergency c-section. Yikes...I was not prepared mentally or physically for this. But, I had no choice. They got us in the the room and started explaining& prepping me for the c-section. They increased my spinal block and started testing my numbness...the problems started here when I could still feel everything. I was starting to panic that I might have to go through this and feel every cut and stitch that they did. They continued to increase the med's through the spinal block until I had maxed out the amount I could have, my speech was getting very slurred and I remember thinking- I can't even communicate with people cause my speech is slurred. Luckily Dustin could tell by my eyes that were about to pop out of my sockets, I'm sure...that I could still feel everything. At that point- the anesthesiologist said they were going to have to use general anesthesia. This meant I would be asleep for the delivery- however I didn't care at this point. They made Dustin leave the room, however brought him back in right before they pulled Dexter out. At 1:51pm Dexter arrived, healthy and happy at 9lbs 0 oz, and 21 and 3/4 inches long!

The Dr.'s continued to stitch me up, and finally around 5pm in recovery they let me meet our baby for the first time. I was still really doped up and continued to be very groggy for the rest of that day and Saturday morning. I was also very sore. The recovery from my c-section has been slow, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat for my baby! We are so in love and excited to have completed our family!